Expand Drivers Licenses for All

Refusing driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants in Wisconsin disrupts their lives and jeopardizes their families' safety.


Annually, approximately 70,000 residents of Wisconsin are denied driver's licenses solely due to their immigration status. This denial not only hampers routine tasks like providing transportation to neighbors or accessing medical care but also subjects individuals to potentially life-altering consequences. A seemingly minor traffic stop for a faulty headlight can spiral into family separation and loss of homes and livelihoods for certain individuals. This climate of uncertainty inflicts trauma on children and exacts a heavy toll on families and communities. Numerous other states, including the recent example of Minnesota, have already taken steps to end such prohibitions. Experience from these states demonstrates that granting driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants enhances public safety and fosters economic participation.


We must advocate for our state legislature to pass the Driver's License (DL) bill and endorse the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. These actions align with policies that prioritize community welfare and foster inclusivity, benefiting all residents of Wisconsin.


Support local efforts, through Voces de la Frontera, to promote and pass the DL and DACA bills


Participate in coalition building, lobbying, research, and press conferences to advocate for state level change.

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